RBM Lumber is a family business that literally started with a trade for 10 cords of firewood cut in exchange for a chainsaw.
From post and pole cutting to the purchase of a pickup to logging our first timber sale, to the purchase of a portable Mighty Might sawmill that cut rough lumber, our business began in the family back yard. We have grown to employ 48 full time employees. And we no longer work from the back yard! We have a location on Berne Rd in Columbia Falls. The people of RBM Lumber
Over the years our business has grown into a philosophy that greatly respects Creation and especially the Forest and the innate wisdom we find when we observe the forest.
Our forest practices are unique and mindful of the balance and overall health of the forest. RBM Lumber Principles
We have invented many of our products to make the best and highest use of every part of the log possible. You can choose from a long list of beautiful wood products, including rough dimension lumber and beams, exterior sidings and soffit material, interior paneling, flooring, and moulding. Products
The door shop can make you a unique and one of a kind door out of everything from the elegant look of Vertical Grain to the distinct personality of character wood. Doors
We also produce clean burning wood fuel pellets out of the material that cannot be used for these products. Wood Pellets
We really enjoy helping you find and learn about the wood products that make your project beautiful and amazing!
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Morbi consequat felis vitae enim. Nunc nec lacus. Vestibulum odio. Morbi egestas, urna et mollis bibendum, enim tellus posuere justo, eget elementum purus urna nec lacus. Nullam in nulla. Praesent ac lorem. Donec metus risus, accumsan ut, mollis non, porttitor eget, mi. Aliquam aliquet, tortor a elementum aliquam, erat odio sodales eros, suscipit blandit lectus dolor sit amet elit. In eros wisi, mollis vitae, tincidunt in, suscipit id, nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Phasellus ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris convallis. Vestibulum nec mauris in augue porta mollis. Proin ut nunc. Mauris aliquam dui eget purus.
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