RBM Lumber

Flooring Info & Specs

Although frequently referred to as hardwood, our wood flooring is actually softwood which brings you a warmth and comfort that can’t be found elsewhere. The natural beauty and variety of character as well as product options in our Montana wood flooring is unsurpassed. At RBM we price our wood flooring to fit almost any budget.

Flooring installation tips

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Stair & Handrail Info


Whatever choice you make for flooring we have stair parts to match regardless of species, grade or texture. The following are some of our stock items:

Wood Staircase Parts

  • Stairnose – comes in 4” and 6” widths with a 1-1/8” thick nose and works in conjunction with our flooring. This system requires a ¾” sub-tread in the same way that regular flooring requires a sub-floor.
  • Stair treads – these are 1-piece treads finished at 1” thick by about 11 ¼” wide with a bull-nose edge.
  • Risers – these are simply 1x8s with the same texture as the flooring or treads.
  • Skirt boards – usually smooth 1x12s but can be textured if needed.

Staircase Handrail

  • We only stock one handrail which is 1 ½” thick by 3 ¼” wide with rounded corners and a 1 ½” groove plowed in the back to hold the spindles.
  • Shoe rail is 1 ¼” thick by 3 ¼” wide with a 1 ½” groove plowed on the top to hold the spindles.
  • Spindles are 1 ½” square
  • Fillet is a thin, slightly roof topped strip you cut the right length to fill the groove between the spindles.
  • Newel posts are usually constructed by using a surfaced 4×4 as a core and adding the desired details to that. We do stock some 4×4’s finished at 3 ½ x 3 ½ and smaller sizes that work as 1 piece newel posts.

Flooring Info & Specs

Flooring Info & Specs

Flooring installation tips

Although frequently referred to as hardwood, our wood flooring is actually softwood which brings you a warmth and comfort that can’t be found elsewhere. The natural beauty and variety of character as well as product options in our Montana wood flooring is unsurpassed. At RBM we price our wood flooring to fit almost any budget.
At RBM  Lumber we have become a leader in the softwood flooring industry because we take the time to produce the best product available. We offer you the following specs on all our wood flooring products:

Wood Flooring Species:

Wood Flooring Grades:

Wood Flooring Textures:

Wood Flooring Sizes:
Most flooring products are available in 8” (6 – 7/8” coverage), 6” (5 – 1/8”) and 4” (3 – 1/8”) widths and come in random lengths from 20” to 12’.

  1. Not all textures and grades are available in all species.
  2. We will ship in any combination of widths if a random width is desirable.
  3. You can also mix grades such as #2 and select to obtain a desired appearance.
  4. Tell us your square footage and we will calculate the necessary footage for your project.
  5. Our flooring is easy to install for anybody inclined to do it yourself. Let us explain how.
Please call and let us guide you through our many options to determine which suits your needs best.
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Wood Beams and Timbers: Grades

*Because we hand cut our logs, and don’t use the conventional high-volume logging machinery, we are able to deliver these longer logs.

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Wood Beams Stability

When we talk about stability we are referring to how much a beam will shrink, twist, check and move as it acclimates to the environment it is in. All movement in wood takes place while the wood is drying out or picking up moisture. There are only two sources of beams that can be guaranteed not to move and that is glue lams and recycled — both of which may force you to sacrifice the price advantage and/or the appearance you are looking for. For this reason we make as many beams as possible, where stability is of concern, from dead standing Fir & Larch which is already partially dry and therefore more stable than green cut beams.

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Rough Lumber Specs

There are many uses for rough cut lumber … from barns and fences on the farm, to exterior trim on a custom home. Each application has its own set of issues to be considered when selecting the best product to use. At RBM Lumber we’ve been supplying rough lumber for myriads of applications for over 30 years. The following are some basics to keep in mind.

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Movement in Wood

When wood dries out it shrinks. When it picks up moisture it expands. Consequently, in an exterior application in most climates wood will shrink and expand with the season changes.

In an interior application, once it acclimates, wood moves very little due to a more constant humidity. Where the product is being used in your project and your own personal taste is what determines how critical it is to try to control that movement. In many instances the natural movement in wood is irrelevant.

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Rough Lumber Moisture Content

In applications where stability is crucial moisture content is very important. For interior applications 6% MC is ideal. In semi-dry climates 12% MC is ideal for exterior. In certain applications such as siding, proper installation is very important because of the continual movement of the wood. At RBM we can help you know what moisture content is ideal for your application and give you installation tips. In some cases we will either air dry or kiln dry products where lower moisture is necessary. Other times, when available, we will try to cut from dead standing timber because of certain advantages.

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RBM Rough Lumber Grades

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Rough Lumber Dimensions

At RBM we cut all our rough full dimension which means a 2×4 is a full 2″ by a full 4″ not 1 1/2″x 3 1/2″. This means our 2×6 has more wood in it than a surfaced 2×8. But you can special-order pretty much any dimension you want from ¼ inch thick up to 30 inches or wider depending on grade and species.

We try to inventory as much of the more commonly requested products as possible such as 2×4 through 2×12 in rough green and in dry exterior trim stock, as well as various specialty products like 5/4 trim for different siding products and commonly used 1” boards. 5/4 is a dimensional term… that is, it’s really a full inch and a quater thick. The width is dimensional… Our 5/4×4-inch is cut at a full 4-inches wide and then shrinks slightly as it dries.

Depending on the product we can cut up to 32 feet long. We literally have thousands of different products in stock and can cut almost anything.
Because there are so many uses for rough lumber with such a varied desire for appearance we at RBM don’t assume anything. We will ask as many questions as necessary to be sure your product both works and satisfies your taste for appearance.

Not all products come in all grades and all species
but we can usually find a product that will fit your needs.
If not we may know where you can find it.

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